Tiger for RM2
I'm at a place where beer is cheaper than anything but of cos being stupid i ordered chinese tea.
(Happy Holiday!)
Labels: Drinks
eat, food, drink, alcohol, coffee, tea, watch, movies, loves, car, lomo, pirated, downloads, anakin. not a smooth talker, always a good listener. not funny, not serious either. May be sacastic. Can't stop cracking fingers, sometimes body & neck too. Right foot is slightly larger, left leg is slighty bigger (must be the clutch). Short, blur, long hair, sometimes fat, and always lazy.
Labels: Drinks
i doubt there's any Malay readers, yet so long this blog wasn't updated. Most of them prolly forgot this blog anyway.
Labels: Rants
Labels: Rants
Forgive me for not updating, or even checking the blog at all. Work are breathing up the neck and i think i'm gonna suffocate soon. But it's ok. Because it's all for one goal.
Labels: Rants